
First of all I feel grateful to Peter Agnoletto who has let me discover the Sepik culture and for giving me the opportunity to shoot the photos of the pieces presented in these pages.

Thanks also to Antonio and Francesco Santamaria for the help they have given me in writing the details related to the pieces and thanks to all those that in these years have convinced me about the value of this work, encouraging me to produce these pages in order to share it with everybody want to appreciate it.

Last but not least thanks to those who visiting these pages will like to get in contact for comments, ideas, advice.

Richard Khoury 2006


The photos of the pieces are made by Richard Khoury, who is also the author of the texts and therefore he's the only responsable for any eventual mistake.

The photos of the Sepik river are ©Adrian Tappin and have been taken from his website that you can find in the Links page.

All the maps have been modified from the originals in order to adapt them for the use needs and they come from various websites that you can find in the Links page.

Webdesign and scripting ©ArTeam